
Hail the Goddess of Chaos and Confusion

Ronin Publishing
Malaclypse the Younger, Lord Omar Khayyam Ravenhurst
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What's the right faith for those who clamor for spirituality, but strain at the confines of organized religion? Discordia — described as a religion disguised as a joke disguised as a religion — may be the answer. Starting from the "firm belief that it is a mistake to hold firm beliefs," Discordia lays out a tongue-in-cheek plan for worshipping Eris, the Greek goddess of discord. Loads of laughter and paradox are key to keeping the faith, as well as counter-evangelism, surrealist pranking, and the presentation of absurd rewards to distinguished individuals. Packaged in a trendy new edition, Discordia brings an underground classic that has sowed chaos for 50 years to a new generation of neo-pagans.