Do Childfree People Have Better Sex?
A Feminist’s Journey in the Childfree Movement

A brief book by a well-known activist on the growing childfree movement, its many positive benefits and the conventional resistance with adopting this lifestyle.
Verena Brunschweiger is no stranger to controversy. In her latest book, Do Childfree People Have Better Sex?, our provocateur tackles this increasingly popular topic, and its many ramifications, head on. After conveying her own personal story, Brunschweiger espouses with data in hand on the implications of having children or not: the ecological and environmental consequences, feminism, politics, and philosophical disputation. Issues including over-population and the environment, animal welfare, abortion and reproductive rights, sex and happiness, women’s health, and politics and anti-natalism are explored. Brunschweiger posits women have the right to be happy and, if they choose, feel comfortable rejecting the societal conventional pressure of having children. The author suggests that women and their partners will have more freedom and enjoyment if they are childfree. The author doesn’t want humanity to go extinct as some may suggest; rather, she wants the reader and its inhabitants to have an enjoyable and sustainable future.

Verena Brunschweiger is an author, passionate childfree activist, and feminist. She was born in Passau, Germany, in 1980. She studied German, English, and Philosophy at Regensburg University, received her Ph.D. in 2007, and teaches at a Bavarian grammar school. She is a passionate member of Theater Regensburg’s extra choir, performing in several operas by Verdi, Wagner, and Bizet. She still accompanies her favorite professional basso on the piano. Reading books in five languages is another great passion.