Earth Cries

A Climate Change Anthology

Sydney University Press
Sydney University alumni, staff and students, foreword by Karl Kruszelnicki
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Climate change is here, and how we react in the present will alter the course of the future; we can no longer deny that this is a key challenge for our times. Over the past two years, Australia has seen its worst bushfire season in recorded history, extreme floods and a global pandemic that brought about a renewed appreciation of nature.

The contributors to this anthology tell powerful stories of devastation and hope. From chilling predictions of the future, to tree conservation movements in India, to an exchange between Siri and Alexa on environmental sustainability, writers and artists from the Sydney University community have come together to give voice to experiences of climate change, nature and the environment.

It's never been more important to keep the conversation alive.

Contributor Bio

The University of Sydney Anthology is created, curated and produced by publishing students.

Dr Karl Kruszelnicki is the Julius Sumner Miller Fellow at the University of Sydney. He is a qualified medical doctor, engineer, physicist and mathematician. He is the author of 45 books and has been named one of Australia's National Living Treasures.

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