esprit libéré

Dreamspinner Press
K.C. Wells, Parker Williams, translated by Laura Brohan
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Secrets, tome 2

Rob Daniels est déterminé à prouver que son frère Alex se trompe sur toute la ligne. Alex pense avoir trouvé l’amour à travers la pratique du BDSM?; Rob est certain que ce n’est pas possible. Il se rend à plusieurs reprises dans un club de Londres pour lui donner tort. En assistant à la soirée d’inauguration du Secrets, Rob a droit à une mauvaise surprise qui le fait fuir en jurant de ne plus jamais revenir… Mais il ne peut pas s’empêcher d’y remettre les pieds et tombe sur un homme imposant?: le Dom Vic Prentiss. Leur première rencontre est un désastre.

Mais plus Vic passe de temps avec Rob, plus il est convaincu de deux choses?: primo, ce jeune homme est rongé de l’intérieur et deuzio, il est à la recherche de quelque chose. Son instinct le pousse à lui venir en aide, mais une clé est nécessaire pour libérer les secrets dissimulés dans l’esprit de Rob. Il suffit de la trouver. Alors seulement pourra-t-il découvrir le véritable Rob, l’homme qui est effrayé à l’idée de lâcher prise…

Contributor Bio

K.C. Wells lives on an island off the south coast of the UK, surrounded by natural beauty. She writes about men who love men, and can’t even contemplate a life that doesn’t include writing.

The rainbow rose tattoo on her back with the words 'Love is Love' and 'Love Wins' is her way of hoisting a flag. She plans to be writing about men in love - be it sweet and slow, hot or kinky - for a long while to come.

If you want to follow her exploits, you can sign up for her monthly newsletter:

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Twitter: @K_C_Wells




Parker Williams is a bestselling author of MM romance and suspense. One of his recent works was nominated for the Lambda Literary Awards, and several books have been runners-up at the Rainbow Awards.

Parker loves the written word. A chance encounter with an amazing author changed the course of his life as he began to write the stories his men were whispering to him. With the help of some amazing friends and a community of writers he’s proud to be part of, Parker continues telling stories of love, hurt, comfort, and sometimes tosses in a little angst for fun. He believes in love, but also knows that anything worth having requires work and sacrifice (and maybe a little hurt runs smooth, and he enjoys writing about it.

Parker lives in Milwaukee, WI, with his husband, Paul, and their menagerie of dogs and cats. Most days you’ll find him on Facebook, sharing stories and pictures of the zoo, or even about Paul, who is always good for a laugh and comfort too). The course of true love never.


Twitter: @ParkerWAuthor



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