Fault Lines

The Sixties, the Culture War, and the Return of the Divine Feminine

Quest Books
Gus diZerega
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The United States is suffering its greatest upheaval since the Civil War--politically, economically, socially, religiously. With elegant, sweeping vision, Gus diZerega explores the complex causes leading us to this point, comparing them to giant fault lines that, when they erupt, create enormous disturbance and in time new landscapes. He traces the disruption, first, to America's first countercultural movement originating in the antebellum South and coming into later conflict with the "counterculture" of the 60s that continues now in phenomena like Burning Man; and second, to the crumbling of the moral foundation birthed by the Enlightenment, leading to today's nihilism. But within the loss resides hope: diZerega sees promise of a new society based more in equality, sacred feminine values, and spiritual immanence. Whether the prevailing oligarchy will abort this transformation is the question of our time. This book enables those of us now living through it to understand the powerful forces shaping our lives and calling on us for a response.

Contributor Bio

Gus diZerega holds a Ph.D. in Political Science from Berkeley (1984) and has been deeply involved at many levels of spiritual practice for over 25 years. He has published extensively in the academic press on environmental and political theory and policy and has taught at universities in the U.S. and abroad. He has also published two books and many articles on spirituality, the environment and politics. Gus has taught workshops on healing, connecting with nature and Wicca internationally as well. He writes regularly for Patheos.com as well as for Witches and Pagans.
