Filipino Celebrations
A Treasury of Feasts and Festivals

Gives children a glimpse of the rich culture found in the Philippines. Activities such as games, songs, crafts & recipes invite children to participate in the fun. Each chapter discusses the history of the holiday; its cultural influences; how certain holidays are celebrated differently in different regions of the Philippines; special customs, food, key words & phrases (either of the region or associated with the festival).

Liana Romulo has lived on several continents and is a graduate of Barnard College in New York City. She practices yoga and enjoys traveling, scuba diving, and hunting through new and unusual bookstores. Liana has authored a number of books, including Filipino Friends, My First Book of Tagalog Words, and Filipino Children's Favorite Stories, which was a national bestseller in the Philippines.
Corazon Dandan-Albano has loved to draw ever since she was a child. A graduate of the University of the Philippines College of Fine Arts, she has illustrated more than 30 books for children, including Filipino Friends and The Legend of Bamboo. A mother of two girls, Kora creates her illustrations on their dining table, between meals. Her favorite children's book character is Jack in Jack and the Beanstalk.