Flavors of the Maghreb

Authentic Recipes from the Land Where the Sun Sets (North Africa and Southern Italy)

Hippocrene Books
Alba Carbonaro Johnson, Paula Miller Jacobson, Sheilah Kaufman, photographer Sandy Ireland
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<li><b>The only cookbook on the market devoted to the unique cuisine of the Maghreb region (Southern Italy and North Africa)</b></li>&nbsp; <li>Author Alba Johnson was born in Italy and raised in Tunisia and became an expert in the cuisines of the Maghreb countries</li>&nbsp;<li><b>A new approach to popular Mediterranean recipes by exploring multicultural influences on the cuisine </b></li>&nbsp;<li>Emphasis on  aromatic spices, fresh herbs, citrus, dried fruits, nuts, fresh fish, lamb, chicken, pasta, rice, and copious fresh vegetables </li>&nbsp;<li>Includes over 100 recipes with color photographs throughout</b></li>&nbsp;<li>Author Alba Johnson maintains a blog “Cooking with Chef Alba,” teaches cooking classes, and leads culinary trips to Italy</li>&nbsp;<li>Author Sheilah Kaufman is a founding member of the International Association of Culinary Professionals (IACP)</li>&nbsp;<li>Authors will promote the cookbook to various culinary organizations</li>
