Floating in Quiet Darkness

How the Floatation Tank Has Changed Our Lives and Is Changing the World

Gateways Books & Tapes
Glenn Perry BA, Lee Perry MA, foreword by Dr. John C. Lilly
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Glenn Perry had a life changing experience when he floated in the tank invented by Dr. John C. Lilly. Lee and Glenn Perry created a new product, a new company and triggered a global industry. They have changed not only their lives but the lives of many of those who float. Included in the book are a selection of vivid personal narratives and photos from floaters showing the depth and breadth of these experiences.

Contributor Bio

Glenn Perry grew up on a farm and became a systems computer programmer. He moved on to designing and building float tanks with Dr. Lilly's support and blessing. He also has strong interests in biodynamic farming, sustainable living, and personal development. Lee Perry has been a dancer, a student, and a professional teacher of special needs children.
