Flora Lyndsay; or, Passages in an Eventful Life

A Novel by Susanna Moodie

University of Ottawa Press
Susanna Moodie, edited by Michael A. Peterman
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Flora Lyndsay, a prequel to Susanna Moodie’s Roughing it in the Bush and Life in the Clearings, presents a fictionalized record of her family’s experiences in planning their emigration and crossing the Atlantic. Flora Lyndsay is Susanna Moodie’s prequel to Roughing it in the Bush and Life in the Clearings. Though Moodie fictionalizes herself in the context of this novel, Flora Lyndsay remains a close personalized record of her family’s experiences in planning their emigration and crossing the Atlantic. Despite the limited critical attention it receives, Flora Lyndsay reveals Moodie’s style, her sense of form, and her distinctive approach to writing female autobiography. This edition, complete with a wide corpus of endnotes, an extensive list of emendations, and a critical introduction, helps address this oversight and gives a closer look at the iconic phenomenon that is Susanna Moodie.

Published in English.

Contributor Bio

Susanna Moodie (1803-1885) was the youngest of the scribbling Strickland sisters. After marrying John Wedderburn Dunbar Moodie in 1831, she immigrated to the backwoods of Upper Canada where she raised a large family and wrote old-world novels and autobiographical accounts of her settlement. She is a landmark of early Canadian literature who has influenced great authors such as Margaret Atwood and Carol Shields.

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