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Trine Day
Ian Hamilton Trottier
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Florida radio personality Trottier has written an engaging and wide-ranging indictment, from banking scandals to questionable pesticide use and large corporations' unethical behavior. Truly unique and provocative!

Contributor Bio

Ian Hamilton Trottier was born in California to an American father and a British mother. The Trottier family has been in North America since 1640 AD when they first arrived to Quebec from the Lyon region of France. Ian and his Hamilton side, per his grandfather via his British mother, are descendants of the Hamilton Clan of Scotland. Related in regard to US founding father Alexander Hamilton. When Ian was age 9, he moved from California, where his family roots back many generations, to Salisbury, U.K. In England, he attended Downton Secondary School where he was projected to attend Bishop's Academy at the Salisbury Cathedral before the family returned to California. During High School in California Ian was fortunate enough to partake in Close-UP Washington DC where he met and toured the private chambers of a US Supreme Court Justice. Trottier has a degree in Sociology from the University of Oregon and currently resides in Florida. IAN IS RADIO HOST OF THE WEEKLY SHOW: DISCUSSION OF TRUTH .
