Geneses, Genealogies, Genres and Genius
The Secrets of the Archive

He insists on my dreams, on my letters, on my Hs on my Cs, on my Js, on my Gs. G, G, G, G, jet !« You are my insister » he says. « You are my insister » I say.No one has performed more learned yet more innocent pirouettes around words, letters, no one has ever managed to get French more joyously drunk, giving philosophy the full measure of its greatness once and for all, its tragic, its comic spell. [I never read him without being appalled at my urge to laugh with enchantment.]'Hélène CixousORIGINAL TEXT BY DERRIDA TRANSLATED INTO ENGLISH FOR THE FIRST TIMEIn this book Derrida responds to the work Dream I Tell You by Hélène Cixous, using it to explore the nature of the literary archive, the production of literature and Cixous' genius. These texts allow the reader to puzzle the genealogy of deconstruction and to consider the importance of the poetic and sexual difference to the entirety of Derrida's work. They also demonstrate that, as Derrida admits, he has always been a devotee of Cixous.Key Features:*The single most important work to address Helene Cixous' contribution to French thought.*Charts the influence of Cixous and Derrida on each other.