Get Grounded, Get Well

Connect to the Earth to Improve Your Health, Well-Being, and Energy

Hampton Road
Dr. Stephen T. Sinatra, Sharon Whiteley, Step Sinatra, foreword by Dave Asprey
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Discover the secret to better health and a better life through grounding. Let nature and Dr. Sinatra be your guide to a happier, healthier life.

Nature has historically been the world’s most acclaimed healer, with time-tested references to its ability to repair and renew body, mind, and soul dating to the earliest civilizations. For thousands of years, traditional Indigenous medicine from Mother Earth has been used to promote health and well-being for millions of Native peoples. The use of native plants and contact with the earth for healing purposes was commonplace for centuries from ancient Asia to the early Americas. In Europe, ancient Roman troops were reported to have walked upon hallowed ground after battle to receive healing energy from the earth. Recent scientific findings and clinical studies link grounding with relief for a variety of health issues:

  • Heart disease
  • Sleep disorders
  • Inflammatory conditions
  • Depression & anxiety
  • Attention disorders

Grounding, the simple act of connecting to the always abundant, nourishing energy of the earth’s surface, has been scientifically and medically proven through numerous studies to have significant positive effects on our physiology. Grounding helps to restore energy, heighten feel-good endorphins, improve circulation, calm heart rate, alleviate stress, and help ensure a better night’s sleep, returning the body to a naturally balanced state of homeostasis the way nature intended. It also reduces inflammation — the culprit behind many of today’s rising health problems, including heart disease, arthritis, diabetes, high blood pressure, and chronic pain.

Contributor Bio

Stephen Sinatra, MD, founder of the New England Heart Center, was one of the most highly respected and sought after cardiologists in the world. With more than fifty years of clinical practice, research, and study, his medical background included serving as chief of cardiology, director of medical education, and director of cardiac rehabilitation at Manchester Memorial Hospital in Connecticut.

Sharon Whiteley, author, award-winning entrepreneur, and consumer product innovator, is a grounding pioneer, creating game-changing business ventures dedicated to the health benefits of the Earth and grounding. She is coauthor of Barefoot Wisdom and is currently CEO of TRU47, a lifestyle wellness company.

Step Sinatra, an entrepreneur and former Wall Street trader turned master healer, is the cofounder of, a site created to get the word out about grounding and healthy lifestyles.
