Ghost Sharks

A Fully Illustrated Guide to the Chimaeras of the World

Princeton University Press
Dr. David A. Ebert, Jenny M. Kemper, Brittany Finucci, Dominique A. Didier, Marc Dando
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The first authoritative illustrated reference guide to the world’s ghost sharks

Ghost sharks, also known as chimaeras, are cartilaginous fish related to sharks and rays sharing a common ancestor dating back some 400 million years. These extraordinary fish are found in virtually every ocean on the planet, and while a few inhabit coastal waters, most live at depths that can make them incredibly difficult to study and observe. This comprehensive reference book covers every known species of chimaera to date. Illustrated with spectacular photos, detailed drawings, and informative diagrams, Ghost Sharks is the essential guide to this enigmatic order of shark-like fish.

  • Describes all 59 known species to date
  • Features a wealth of stunning color illustrations
  • Detailed species accounts cover everything from distribution and behavior to biology, natural history, and conservation
  • Includes a color distribution map for every species
  • Written by leading experts and incorporating the latest taxonomic revisions
  • A must for shark and fish enthusiasts everywhere
Contributor Bio

David A. Ebert is Program Director of the Pacific Shark Research Center and a research faculty member at San José State University’s Moss Landing Marine Laboratories. Jenny M. Kemper studies the evolutionary relationships of ghost sharks. Brittany Finucci is a Fisheries Scientist at the National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research (NIWA) in New Zealand. Dominique A. Didier is Professor of Biology at Millersville University. Marc Dando is a scientific illustrator and publisher whose books include Sharks of the World (Princeton).

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