Ghosts and Me

Ozark Mountain Publishing
Kevin Killen
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This book is a journey of searching and trying to understand the paranormal. For more than thirty years, I have experienced some form of paranormal activity. This book explores many of those experiences. From the first time I experienced a ghost at the age of five, to high school where I tried my first electronic voice phenomenon. Then, my first EVP capture on tape in my childhood home.

The book goes further into my experiences in several different schools and states, such as my experiences at a school in West Virginia. While not ghostly per se, the experiences had a paranormal feel to them.

Contributor Bio

Kevin Killen has won five Virginia Press Awards during his time in journalism. Having stepped away from journalism, Kevin now counsels recovering addicts. He hopes this book can help others understand the paranormal, and to give insight into what others are experiencing. Kevin has never gone on a full paranormal investigation and can’t wait to do so. Kevin resides in Alexandria, Va, not far from his childhood home in Falls Church, where he had some of his earliest paranormal experiences. He is still experiencing the paranormal.
