Gladyss of the Hunt

Verse Chorus Press
Arthur Nersesian
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Grizzled homicide detective Bernie 'Burnout' Farrell heads the hunt for a serial killer who is murdering call girls around Times Square. Hoping to set up a stakeout, Farrell recruits tall, blonde, ambitious rookie cop Gladyss Chronou for the investigation. Gladyss of the Hunt oscillates between chilly street realism and new age mysticism. As their investigation takes Bernie and Gladyss from arty society gatherings to shabby hotels and SROs, the narrative offers a suspenseful, satirical account of a city that is flashy and glamorous one moment and dark the next.

Contributor Bio

Arthur Nersesian was born and raised in New York City. He earned his masters degree in English at City College and has taught writing in Crown Heights, Brooklyn, the South Bronx, and is currently teaching in Jackson Heights, Queens. Nersesian has published ten novels, including Suicide Casanova, Mesopotamia, and his best-selling cult classic, The Fuck-Up. He is currently finishing his multivolume epic, The Five Books of Moses.