Great American Artists for Kids
Hands-On Art Experiences in the Styles of Great American Masters

Fun and easy art-appreciation activities abound in this resource that features 75 American artists from colonial times to the present. A brief biography for each artist tells why his or her work is important, and a kid-tested art activity tries out the artist's approach. For Georgia O'Keeffe, the activity is a desert painting; for Frederic Remington, a face cast; for Leroy Nieman, a sketch of athletes; and for James Whistler, a clay engraving. Projects stress the creative process and encourage kids to try unusual techniques such as block printing, soak-stain, and stone carving as they learn about architecture, drawing, painting, photography, and sculpture. A resource guide provides a glossary of art terms, a list that groups the artists by style, a list of the artists' birthdays, an index of art supplies, and websites for viewing art online.

MaryAnn F. Kohl is the award-winning author of Discovering Great Artists, First Art, and Preschool Art. She lives in Bellingham, Washington. Kim Solgawatercolor artist and writer in Mt. Shasta, California, specializes in art with children. She is the creator of art teaching supplies and writes hand-on art books, magazines, and art curriculum texts.