Hafiz's Little Book of Life

I have this gem and it’s looking for a beholder
Hafiz of Shiraz (also known as Hafez) remains the most beloved name in all of Persian literature. Indeed, his mystic, lyric poetry is cherished as one of the great achievements of world literature, on a par with Dante, Goethe, and Shakespeare.
Hafiz’s Little Book of Life is a lush collection of more than 250 selections from his lifework. Also included is a vivid portrait of his life and times, translators’ notes, an extensive glossary, a bibliography, and an appendix on Hafiz as an oracle. Here are classic soaring flights of fancy and solid life lessons — made new by two award-winning translators.
This is the perfect introduction to Hafiz for all lovers of poetry and seekers of love, spirituality, and wisdom. Let the unforgettable words of Hafiz shine through you with their love, profundity, wit, and celebration of life.
'This is translation as a real ‘carrying-across,’ as art, not artifact...this one drops the reader/listener directly into their own soul-struggle. Immerse yourself and be transformed!' — Neil Douglas-Klotz, author of The Sufi Book of Life and A Little Book of Sufi Stories
'From the first page, you are invited to settle into a sublime sanctuary and partake in enchantment until you feel the Beloved inside your beating heart and running through your veins.' — Ari Honarvar, author of A Girl Called Rumi

Hafiz of Shiraz (also known as Hafez) remains the most beloved name in all of Persian literature. Indeed, his mystic, lyric poetry is cherished as one of the great achievements of world literature, on a par with Dante, Goethe, and Shakespeare. Where Rumi dives deep, Hafiz’s vision is as multifaceted as life itself: beyond literature, philosophy, and spirituality, he is truly a force of nature.
Erfan Mojib was born in the desert town of Yazd in central Iran. He holds a degree in comparative literature from UM Malaysia and an MFA in creative writing from the University of New Brunswick, Canada. He has published a number of translated works of fiction including Reza Ghassemi’s The Spell Chanted by Lambs, Simon Van Booy’s Love Begins in Winter and The Illusion of Separateness, Gene Bell-Villada’s García Márquez: The Man and His Work, Julian Barnes’s Flaubert’s Parrot, and Jeanette Winterson’s The Passion. He is the recipient of the Tehran School of Art Short Story Award and the David Walker Prize for Creative Writing. Visit ErfanMojib.com for more information.
Gary Gach has cotranslated three books of poetry from Korean by Ko Un: Flowers of a Moment, BOA / Lannan Translation Series (Northern California Book Award for Translation); Ten Thousand Lives, and Songs for Tomorrow. His anthology What Book!?—Buddha Poems from Beat to Hiphop, (Parallax Press) received an American Book Award from Before Columbus Foundation. He’s also author of The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Buddhism and Pause, Breathe, Smile. Visit GaryGach.com for more information.