Hanford Reach

In the Atomic Field

Daylight Books
Photographs by Glenna Cole Allee, text by Mark Auslander
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A look at lives and landscapes bearing secrets and scars of the atomic/nuclear era, Hanford Reach is a reflection upon the complexity of individual and collective memory, and upon the enduring nature of denial. Excerpts from original first-person narratives are interspersed with photographs taken in and around Hanford Nuclear Reservation, some within territories long removed from public access. Source interviews include Hanford scientists, Native elders, displaced farmers, and others variously impacted. Art intertwines with cultural documentary and political history.

Contributor Bio

Glenna Cole Allee is an interdisciplinary artist. Her work explores the shifting relationships between place, myth and memory. She holds an MFA from San Francisco Art Institute and a BFA from Reed College, and has exhibited nationally and internationally. Her current project Hanford Reach is an installation using photography, sound, and video to interpret nuclear histories and the secrecy that frames those histories. The installation includes work with invited collaborators Michael Paulus (videography) and Jon Leidecker/Wobbly (sound design). Hanford Reach received funding from Puffin Foundation and Puffin Foundation West in 2016, 2017 and 2018.

Allee co-founded MicroClimate Collective, a curatorial project that produced twelve thematic exhibitions. MicroClimate Collective was a recipient of the Round V Alternative Exposure Grant from Southern Exposure in San Francisco in 2012. Alternative Exposure Grants are supported by the Andy Warhol Foundation for the Arts. Please see: microclimatecollective.com
