
Once a popular print columnist, Meechy Blake has settling in to an uneasy retirement. His dream about a major book exposing the dangers of AI have faded, along with his dwindling back account.
He reluctantly accepts a reporting assignment from a webzine A seemingly fluffy travel piece about an obscure canyon called Devil’ s Gate.
Driving down the coast, Blake takes the opportunity to reestablish contact with a secretive source from the old days— a retired scientist he nicknamed Dr. Boom-Boom.
When Blake tells Boom-Boom where he’ s going, the scientist tries to caution him. Blake laughs off the warning.
After a few strange encounters, Blake realizes he has become a target.
But why— and by whom?
Carefully covering his tracks, Blake sets off on a journey to answer these vexing questions.
As Blake’ s quest for the truth evolves, certain secrets come to light that may have the reader asking, Is this really just a fantasy— or is the author revealing some hidden truth?
That question is made all the more tantalizing by author Robert Eringer’ s enigmatic background in the world of intelligence and espionage— and his journalistic exposures of that veiled community.

As a journalist, novelist, private spy, undercover operative and, most recently, director of an intelligence service, it can certainly be said that Robert Eringer has enjoyed a wide-ranging career.
Using his intelligence experience as grist, Eringer merged two skills (writing and spying) to author a cluster of humorous espionage novels that combine intrigue and lunacy. As a novelist, Eringer inhabits a world of master spies, billionaires, royalty and delusional lunatics. In reality, he keeps the same company.