Healing Your Chronic Illness Grief
100 Practical Ideas for Living Your Best Life

Chronic illness is a type of loss. Depending on your condition and its course, you may be confronted with physical limitations, financial struggles, relationship challenges, and much more. Your hoped-for future may feel stolen from you. In addition to good physical care, acknowledging and working through your normal, necessary grief along the way is essential to living well with chronic illness. Mourning is important self-care. The 100 tips, affirmations, and simple activities in this book will help you attune to and express your feelings each day. They will support you in living your best life physically, cognitively, emotionally, socially, and spiritually. To mourn well is to clear the way for living well. Let’s get started.

Dr. Alan Wolfelt is a speaker, grief counselor and Director of the Center for Loss and Life Transition. He is the author of Understanding Your Grief, Healing Your Grieving Heart, and The Journey Through Grief, among many other bestselling books on healing in grief. He lives in Fort Collins, Colorado. Jaimie A. Wolfelt is currently in the second year of her master’s degree in counseling at Regis University. She was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes at age nine and has learned to live with meaning and purpose despite her chronic health challenges.