Historical Consciousness and Practical Life
A Theory and Methodology

Historical Consciousness and Practical Life introduces a novel approach to examining how everyday people construct and employ historical knowledge in their daily lives. In viewing history as an embodied cultural practice that constitutes the background to our meaning making, the book demonstrates how researchers and others can investigate the ways in which people make sense of time’s flow in their now-moment engagements with the world and use that information to position themselves regarding key social problems with historical roots.
The book provides a glimpse at how humans enter historically embedded thinking problems, seeking to resolve them. Paul Zanazanian draws on a study of the community leaders of English-speaking Quebec to illustrate the practical life methodology’s workings. In looking at their different uses of history for strengthening their group’s vitality in the province, he identifies five key stances they employ for positioning their sense of purpose and responsibility for securing English-speaking Quebec’s future. Ultimately, Historical Consciousness and Practical Life argues that community leaders who complicate and problematise their uses of history are the best positioned to make positive transformations for their group.

Paul Zanazanian is an associate professor of social studies education at McGill University.