Holy Land
Rauan Klassnik’s short, terse prose poems are packed like pipebombs upon the page. His earnest battle to communicate detonates a series of raw, uncensored explosions of expression full of violent beauty. As the title suggests, the poems struggle toward redemption while slogging through blood. Along the way, the sorrow makes the joy Klassnik inevitably finds that much sweeter.
Rauan Klassnik was born in Johannesburg, South Africa. After moving to Dallas and then dropping out of college he traded sports and gaming cards, beanie babies, pogs and memorabilia. Now he spends most of his time in Mexico looking after birds and dogs with his wife Edith. His poems have appeared in The Mississippi Review, The North American Review, The Kennesaw Review, The Santa Clara Review, MiPoesias, No Tell Motel, Caesura, Sentence, Tex!, The Avatar Review, Contrary, Borderlands, Pilot Poetry, Poemeleon, The Red River Review, Hunger Mountain, Sleepingfish, Handsome, Sea Stories, Front Porch, and The DMQ Review.