Hopeless, Maine


Outland Entertainment
Illustrated by Tom Brown, author Nimue Brown
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Growing up with magic doesn’t mean you have all of the answers.

On the strange haunted island of Hopeless, Maine, young Salamandra explores the limits of her powers and the strength of her convictions. Both she and her newly discovered friend, Owen Davies, face life-changing events at the Pallid Rock Orphanage and begin to take control of their own lives. Just as magic has limits, so does the ability of adults to shield children from harm and consequences in this often dire place.

This is not a story about growing up.It is a story about thinking you had grown up already—and finding it wasn’t so simple after all.

Contributor Bio

Tom & Nimue Brown share a love of gothic decay, poetry, wild landscapes, and strange creatures. They have been collaborating for years, brought together initially by a publishing house. In the summer of 2009 they launched The Hopeless Vendetta—a weekly newspaper charting life on the fictional island of Hopeless.

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