Horsemen of the Apocalypse
The Men Who Are Destroying Life on Earth—And What It Means for Our Children
From the New York Times bestselling author Dick Russell, edited and introduced by New York Times bestselling author Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.!
"A must read for anyone concerned with climate and energy issues."
—Leonardo DiCaprio, Academy Award winning actor and environmental activist
The science is overwhelming; the facts are in. The planet is heating up at an alarming rate and the results are everywhere to be seen. Yet, as time runs out, climate progress is blocked by the men who are profiting from the burning of the planet: energy moguls like the Koch brothers and Exxon Mobil CEO Rex Tillerson. Powerful politicians like Senators Mitch McConnell and Jim Inhofe, who receive massive contributions from the oil and coal industries. Most of these men are too intelligent to truly believe that climate change is not a growing crisis. And yet they have put their profits and careers ahead of the health and welfare of the world’s population—and even their own children and grandchildren. How do they explain themselves to their offspring, to the next generations that must deal with the environmental havoc that these men have wreaked? Horsemen of the Apocalypse takes a personal look at this global crisis, literally bringing it home.
Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. is one of the nation's leading environmental activists. He is the president of Waterkeeper Alliance, the world's largest clean water advocacy group. Mr. Kennedy is a partner with the national law firm of Morgan & Morgan, where he specializes in environmental litigation. He is a multiple New York Times bestselling author and has published hundreds of articles on politics, history, science, and the environment. Time magazine named him one of the "Heroes for the Planet." Kennedy lives in Los Angeles, California, and New York, New York.
Dick Russell is an acclaimed environmental writer with a special expertise on the crisis that is confronting the world's oceans and fisheries. He is the author of Striper Wars: An American Fish Story and Eye of the Whale. He writes a regular column on Trump and the environment at Mr. Russell divides his time between Boston, Massachusetts, and Los Angeles, California.
David Talbot is the New York Times bestselling author of Brothers: The Hidden History of the Kennedy Years and The Devil's Chessboard. He is the founder and former editor and chief of Salon and has written for the New Yorker, Rolling Stone, and Time. Mr. Talbot lives in San Francisco, California.