How to Do More in Less Time

The Complete Guide to Increasing Your Productivity and Improving Your Bottom Line, Second Edition

American Bar Association
Allison C. Johs, Daniel J. Siegel
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Many lawyers work long hours and still do not have enough time to complete all their work--let alone tackle the business aspects of their job, such as marketing, business development, or strategic planning. It's a common problem and learning how to juggle the work and manage the extras can be overwhelming for the new or seasoned lawyer.

The second edition ofHow to Do More in Less Timeis a valuable resource to help you learn strategies for taking control of your day and become more productive. Written for the busy lawyer, the authors outline how you can identify the right activities that need to be accomplished and then how you perform those activities efficiently to maximize your productivity.

 You will learn how to:

  • Develop good productivity habits by setting goals and prioritizing your workload
  • Eliminate the distractions around you
  • Clean up the clutter
  • Delegate your workload efficiently
  • Organize and schedule tasks weekly
  • Create effective systems in your daily practice
  • Streamline your email
  • Do 90 minutes of work in 60 minutes and maybe even 30, and much more
Contributor Bio

Daniel J. Siegel, Esq., has been called the “Geek Lawyer” and is known for using technology in innovative ways to help get better results for clients. When, in 2005, Attorney Siegel had the opportunity to open his own law office, he opened the  Law Offices of Daniel J. Siegel, LLC, as well as Integrated Technology Services, LLC, a practice management consulting firm that teaches lawyers and their staff how to use technology to make their practices more effective and efficient.

In everything he does, Mr. Siegel combines his knowledge of law and procedure with cutting-edge  technology, while recognizing that technology can enhance, but not replace, the people skills needed for success. It is this passion that has led his firm to represent hundreds of lawyers as appellate counsel and as professional responsibility/ethical guidance counsel. The same passion drives his efforts to improve the workflows of lawyers everywhere.

A Philadelphia native, and diehard Philadelphia sports fan, Mr. Siegel is the author of 14 other  books, including The Ultimate Guide to Adobe Acrobat DC, Checklists for Lawyers, and the first edition of this book, all published by the American Bar Association Law Practice Division. He is also the author of Changing Law Firms: Ethical Guidance for Pennsylvania Law Firms & Attorneys, published by the Pennsylvania Bar Institute, and Pennsylvania Workers’ Compensation Law—The Basics. Mr. Siegel can be reached at or by phone at (610) 446-3457.

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