How to Pray Without Talking to God

Moment by Moment, Choice by Choice

Hampton Road
Linda Martella-Whitsett
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Unity minister Linda Martella-Whitsett provides a new framework for thinking about prayer that will revolutionize the lives of readers everywhere. The good news here is that you can pray without believing God; that you can have a rich and fulfilling spiritual practice without adhering to a set of creeds or dogmas.

She encourages seekers to look within, rather than outside themselves for a God in the sky, for the spark of the divine that is at the core of their being.

How to Pray Without Talking to God shows how to develop a true spiritual practice by: re-forming the words of traditional prayers; cultivating a habit of daily prayer and meditation; learning how to pray with others.

How To Pray Without Talking To God is filled with the author's stories of her own evolving understanding of God. Each chapter includes a section called "Talk to Yourself" that poses questions for readers to write about or share in a study circle.

Contributor Bio

Linda Martella-Whitsett is an ordained Unity Minister and speaker. She has studied and taught extensively about meditation, spiritual counseling, transformational facilitation, yoga and stress reduction and other New Thought principles. She lives in San Antonio with her husband and children.

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