In the Crosshairs

David Evans
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The book, tells stories of heroism and the soldiers will to survive in a hostile environment. The soldiers have to work together through the many hurdles to get themselves safe. While they are fighting some of them become injured and are assisted by their fellow soldiers. Each mission takes endurance, strategy and planning to complete. The soldiers came under fire from the enemy and with strategy and great precision took out the enemy and went on with their mission.

Contributor Bio

Let me introduce myself, my name is David Evans, I am a very unique 24-year-old born with a special gift of Spirit. I have had many struggles in my life, and will further explain how I got through the challenging years. I am so thankful to have such a wonderful father; he has gotten me through so many tough times that I thought I never would get out of. There are two major kinds of muscular dystrophy, Becker’s and Duchenne, unfortunately I was born with Duchenne. The deadlier of the two When I was six years old my dad put me in a karate class for a short while. I was doing good in the karate class, then my dad noticed that I was becoming weaker and could not get off the floor while down on one knee to show respect to the Sensei. The specialists diagnosed me as having this life-threatening condition through a biopsy at the age of six. The Doctors informed us that I was missing exon number fifty and that my body could not produce dystrophin, which is what holds a person’s muscle fibers together and protects against muscle deterioration. So, after my father and family heard that they were devastated over the news for weeks. The Doctors at that time said that there was no cure for Duchenne muscular dystrophy. My father and I did not believe them, so we went on to try anything to find a cure. Which includes daily research and state side and international travel seeking out many healing and spiritual modalities.I spend my days writing novels, short stories and poems, all of which are 100 percent written through direct communication from Angels on the other side.

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