Indonesia - Culture Smart!

The Essential Guide to Customs & Culture

Jessica Jemalem Ginting, Graham Saunders PhD
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Indonesia, stretching across three time zones and situated on one of the world's great maritime trade routes, has a rich and varied culture. It reveals how modern Indonesians view themselves and go about their daily lives, and gives advice on how to navigate unfamiliar situations. Armed with essential cultural information and tips on effective communication, readers are better placed to have a more meaningful and successful experience in this fascinating country.

Contributor Bio

Graham Saunders has a Ph.D. in East Asian studies from the University of Hull, England. An Australian by birth, he spent twenty-eight years teaching in East Malaysia and Brunei, and made numerous visits to the countries of the region, including Indonesia. He then taught in Cyprus for five years before he and his wife, Anne, settled in England near York. After some part-time university lecturing he retired to run a business specializing in books on Southeast Asia. He is the author of many books and articles on the history of Borneo and Southeast Asia.

Jessica Jemalem Ginting is an Indonesian writer and translator from Jakarta. She has a B.A. in English from the University of Bristol in the UK, and an M.A. in Publishing at University College, London. Her debut poetry collection, Moon Petals, was published and launched at the Ubud Writers and Readers Festival in 2017, and her poems have featured in publications such as the leading Southeast Asian journal Anak Sastra and the Bristol Poetry Anthology. In 2018 she translated the non-fiction book on traditional Indonesian textiles, Nusawastra Silang Budaya. More recently, she has created the sci-fi comic series ROSANA!, set in the culturally diverse world of the Indonesian archipelago.

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