Intellectual Entertainments
Eight Dialogues on Mind, Consciousness and Thought

'Intellectual Entertainments' consists of eight philosophical dialogues, each with five participants, some living, some imaginary and some dead. The dialogues take place either in Elysium or in an imaginary Oxford Common Room. Each historical figure speaks in his own idiom with a distinctive turn of phrase. The imaginary figures speak in the accent and idiom of their respective countries (English, Scottish, American, Australian). The themes are the nature of the mind and the relation between mind and body; the nature of consciousness and its demystification; the nature of thought and its relation to speech; and the objectivity or subjectivity of perceptual qualities such as colour, sound, smell, taste and warmth. Each participant presents a different point of view and defends his position against the arguments of the others. No philosophical knowledge is presupposed.

P. M. S. Hacker is the leading authority on the philosophy of Wittgenstein, on which he has written ten books. He has also written extensively on the philosophy of language. His other area of specialization is philosophy and cognitive neuroscience, on which he has written three books together with the eminent neuroscientist, M. R. Bennett. For Philosophical Foundations of Neuroscience in particular, Hacker was appointed to an honorary UCL professorship in the Department of Neurology at University College London. Hacker has published three volumes of a tetralogy on human nature: The Categorial Framework, The Intellectual Powers and The Passions. The final volume will be The Moral Powers (forthcoming, 2020).