Intellectual Property Securitization

Intellectual Property Securities

Marc René Deschenaux, illustrated by Anna Budnikova
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"Intellectual Property Securitization" introduces author Marc René Deschenaux's creation of Intellectual Property Securities (IPSs). Not only does an IPS allow you to invest selectively in one project, but it accomplishes this without diluting equity or adding debt to the balance sheet of the issuer, whether a physical person or a company.

Imagine the possibility of investing selectively in one aspect of a company, such as a single movie, song, book, patent, technology, or design you truly believe in. Picture the separation of the investment from the corporation and its human errors, like poor management or excessive spending.

Intellectual property (IP) as a commodity is becoming increasingly important in today's global economy. With this exciting book, you can dive into the world of securitization and intellectual property rights! Marc René Deschenaux provides invaluable information on the risks, advantages, and legal aspects of the securitization process as a whole, pointing to specific features of IPS.

IPSs reduce the costs of transfer of intellectual property to a fraction of their regular costs. They ensure that if you transfer a certain technology, all patents, trademarks, and other relevant intellectual properties thereto pertaining are included in said transfer.

Finally, under many jurisdictions, IPSs allow the investor to invest directly into science through patents or into arts through copyrights, authoring, and neighboring rights; because of this, investment is tax free!

All books are also available in audiobook format.

Contributor Bio

Marc René Deschenaux, is a Swiss jurist (non-bar lawyer) and a world renown expert in high finance, based in Geneva, Switzerland; New York City, New York; and Los Angeles, California. He is a PhD candidate in law and a Master of Economic Law and certified in Transnational Law from the University of Geneva. He is also certified as Leading with Finance from Harvard Business School.

His expertise covers contract law, international corporate and governmental financings organization and bank syndication, international corporate and nonprofit laws, international intellectual property law, and securitization law.

In his financing practice, Deschenaux is highly reputed worldwide as an international financier, known for his state-of-the-art structures which resulted in 179 successful IPOs and 243 private offerings in private equity and private debt. He is also internationally considered the world expert in initial public offerings and as a reference in securities law, financing law, and trading law.

He was registered as a General Securities Representative – Series 7 and General Securities Principal – Series 24 by the North American Securities Dealers Association and a member of the National Investment Banking Association.

Deschenaux also financed various types of operations from import/export transactions to real estate investment trusts and organized several governments loans, including the first national debt cancellation in the history of mankind. Anna Budnikova is a marketing specialist with TV-Production and Journalism background. She developed TV-shows for state and private TV-channels. Anna holds two master's degrees in International Business and Management. She is experienced in public relations, communications, and event management.

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