Introducing Little Miss Super-Fro!

Book 1

Alona Joseph, illustrated by Laiba D
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Everyone experiences worry from time to time, even children. Sometimes worry can motivate us to act or problem-solve.
Problem-solving is an important life skill for children to practice as they navigate the challenges of life.
In this book, Raegan experiences worry after receiving an unexpected grade on her history test. She uses several evidence-based strategies such as prayer, deep breathing, positive self-talk, mindfulness, and visualization to cope. Finally, after sharing her feelings with her parents, she realizes that it is their love and acceptance that washes all the worry bugs away! Ages 7& Up.

Contributor Bio

Alona Joseph, Ed.S., LPC is a licensed professional counselor who works primarily with children and adolescents. The goal behind her work is to create engaging stories using relatable characters who use healthy coping strategies to manage their emotions.