Irrationality of Capitalism and Climate Change
Prospects for an Alternative Future
ENG: The overwhelming scientific evidence indicates that planet Earth is in the process of undergoing dramatic climate change, which threatens to undermine the quality of life around the world. Irrationality of Capitalism and Climate Change demonstrates how the roots of humanity's assault on the environment are directly associated with the origins of capitalism, an irrational social system in which reproduction of capital on a global scale is destructive to the environment. The author begins with a philosophical analysis of the role that reason and passion assume in social systems., then traces the local and regional environmental effects of preindustrial social systems. The author argues that nations are faced with a global challenge, to construct life-affirming policy that functions as an alternative to the global devastation that the accumulation of capital causes. The book concludes by proposing rational socialism, a life-affirming social system that functions in harmony with the environment.
RUS: Книга Эндрю Колина демонстрирует, что корни разрушения человеком природы напрямую связаны с происхождением капитализма – социальной системы, в которой воспроизводство капитала в глобальном масштабе разрушительно для окружающей среды. Автор начинает с философского анализа роли, которую разум и страсть играют в социальных системах, а затем прослеживает экологические последствия стимулируемой ими деятельности. Колин утверждает, что перед современными государствами стоит глобальная задача – разработать жизнеутверждающую политику, которая функционировала бы как альтернатива глобальному опустошению.
ENG: Andrew Kolin is a professor of political science at Hilbert College. He earned his doctorate from the City University of New York Graduate Center. He has taught throughout CUNY and the State University of New York, as well as at private colleges. He is the author of The Ethical Foundations of Hume’s Theory of Politics (1991); State Structure and Genocide (2008), State Power and Democracy: Before and During the Presidency of George W. Bush (2012), Political Economy of Labor Repression in the United States (2016) and One Family: Before, During and After the Holocaust (2021), Irrationality of Capitalism and Climate Change (Lexington Books, 2022) and Trump and Trumpism: The Destructive Politics of American Fascism (Lexington Books, 2023).
RUS: Эндрю Колин — профессор политологии в Хилберт-колледже. Автор книг The Ethical Foundations of Hume’s Theory of Politics (1991), State Structure and Genocide (2008), State Power and Democracy: Before and During the Presidency of George W. Bush (2012), Political Economy of Labor Repression in the United States (2016), One Family: Before, During and After the Holocaust (2021), Irrationality of Capitalism and Climate Change (2022) и Trump and Trumpism: The Destructive Politics of American Fascism (2023).