Journalism and the Metaverse

Is journalism under threat with Metaverse? This book will provide a critical examination of the implications of the Metaverse for the continuing transformation of journalism in the digital age.
Journalism has been in a state of disruption since the development of the Internet. The Metaverse, what some describe as the future of the Internet, is likely to fuel even further disruption in journalism. Digital platforms and journalism enterprises are already investing substantial resources into the Metaverse or its likely components of augmented reality, virtual reality, and artificial intelligence.. Although research shows most of the public has little knowledge of the Metaverse, many are keenly interested in what it or its components may bring. Gartner (2022) predicts that a quarter of the public will spend at least one hour per day in the Metaverse by 2026. Journalism may be an important part of this future. This book will provide a critical examination of the implications of the Metaverse for the continuing transformation of journalism in the digital age.

John V. Pavlik is professor of journalism and media studies in the School of Communication & Information at Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey.