Learning Ritual Magic
Fundamental Theory and Practice for the Solitary Apprentice

Learning Ritual Magic is a training manual for anyone serious about improving their magic based on the western mystery traditions, including tarot, ritual magic, Qabalah, and astrology. "What you get out of [magic] can be measured precisely by what you are willing to put into it and time is the essential ingredient in successful magical training," the authors write. And just as no one expects to run a marathon or play a Bach violin concerto without sufficient training, so practitioners of the magical arts shouldn't expect to work complex, powerful magical rituals without a solid grounding in the techniques of Hermetic high magic. By spending at least a half hour a day practicing the lessons found in Learning Ritual Magic, the solitary apprentice attains the proper groundwork and experience for working ritual magic.
Learning Ritual Magic provides lessons on meditation and a set of exercises designed to develop basic skills in imagination, will, memory, and selfknowledge, all of which are absolute fundamentals to magical attainment. While the authors discuss the essentials of magical theory, they focus on daily, basic perspectives rather than launching into details of advanced practice.
Designed for the solitary practitioner, Learning Ritual Magic concludes with a ceremony of selfinitiation.

John Michael Greer has been a student of the occult traditions and nature spirituality for more than twentyfive years. He is the author of numerous articles and more than ten books including Natural Magic, The New Encyclopedia of the Occult, The Druidry Handbook, and The Druid Magic Handbook. He is also the coauthor of Learning Ritual Magic and Pagan Prayer Beads. He lives in Ashland, Oregon with his wife Sara.
Clare Vaughn is a longtime beader who currently makes Pagan rosaries and holds frequent workshops on making and using prayer beads. Clare is an experienced ceremonial magician and a practioner of plantspirit magic, as well as the coauthor of Learning Ritual Magic. She lives in Ashland, Oregon.