Legal Forms for Everyone
Renting an apartment? Buying your first home? Thinking about a will? Legal Forms for Everyone is the ultimate self-help legal guide that will save you hours of research time and money in legal fees. Written by an experienced attorney, this book is complete with the most commonly needed, ready-to-use legal forms and precise instructions on how to use them. Also included is advice about when you should hire an attorney. You will also find handy checklists included on the CD-ROM. Easy to understand and ready to use!
Carl Battle is an attorney and author of several books, including Smart Maneuvers: Taking Control of Your Career and Personal Success in the Information Age, The Retirement Handbook: How to Maximize Your Assets and Protect Your Quality of Life, and The Patent Guide: A Friendly Handbook for Protecting and Profiting from Patents (all published by Allworth Press). A founder of National Legal Information Services, Battle has been involved in a variety of seminars and legal education projects that help people understand their basic legal rights.