Line of Beauty

The Art of Wendy Pini

Flesk Publications
Illustrated by Wendy Pini, edited by Richard Pini
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Age range 13+

The term "line of beauty" describes, in one sense, a certain way of arranging lines and shapes in a drawing or painting to suggest motion, dynamic balance and grace. But in a deeper sense it can also speak to the visionary spirit that drives the creation of a piece of artwork. Whatever that spirit is, Wendy Pini demonstrates that she has had it from the moment she was delivered into this world. Given up for adoption at birth, she has been on a quest ever since for those things most of us take for granted—family, tribe and community. The search has taught her about love and loss and, above all, the power that comes from hearts and minds united in a single dream. Whether engaged in her ongoing fantasy saga Elfquest or interpreting other writers' words for a magazine cover, she brings both the inner and outer "line of beauty" to her work. Every composition embraces the energy of the search and the peace of reaching the goal.
