Lost Tramways of Scotland: Edinburgh

The Lost Tramways of Scotland series documents the tram networks which were at the heart of many of Britain’s growing towns and cities from the mid-19th century to the mid-20th century. An informative, accessible and portable resource for the tram enthusiast as well as the general reader, and a superb souvenir or gift for visitors past and present.
Edinburgh played host to Scotland'd most significant cable tramway, although, by the early 1920s, electric trams had taken over. The system continued to grow until the late 1930s and new trams were built even after World War II. However, over less than a decade, all were swept away and the final trams operated in 1956. Also covered are the operations of Leith Corporation and Musselburgh & District.

Peter Waller’s first book, British and Irish Tramway Systems since 1945, was published in 1992 and since then he has written extensively on transport subjects, including several books in Graffeg's Lost Tramways of Wales, Lost Tramways of England and Lost Tramways of Scotland series. He is now a full-time author and editor as well as being a director and secretary of the Online Transport Archive.