Love Conventions

Dreamspinner Press
Morgan James
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A happy ending worthy of a TV fantasy… in real life?

Ashland Wells is an actor of sci-fi cult fame but with little direction for the future, when handsome grad student Remy Beaumont lands in his lap at a fan convention. Remy is everything Ash ever wanted and wished he could be—including out and proud. For twelve hours they’re the best of friends. But the convention ends, and saying goodbye to Remy might be the biggest mistake Ash has ever made. 

A few months later, they’re reunited on a new production—Ash as an actor, Remy a writer—and though Ash doesn’t plan to let him go twice, being with Remy means going public about being gay. He’s not sure that’s a risk he—or his career—can handle, no matter how great the temptation. 

If only they could write themselves the romantic happily ever after they both need. 

Contributor Bio

Morgan James started writing fiction before she could spell it. It was in high school that she started writing her first novel about a gay character, and she thanks the internet for helping her realize that didn’t make her crazy. Coincidentally, she also thanks the internet for the role it plays in her long-distance friendship with Ashlyn Kane. Geek, artist, archer, and fangirl, Morgan tends to while away free hours with imaginary worlds and people on pages and screens—it’s an addiction. She lives in Ontario with her family and is the personal slave of three cats and a poodle (who isn’t named Ringo, but who does like to poke).

Twitter: @MorganJames71
