Macbeth Interactive Motion Comic

Site Licence Edition

Classical Comics
Original author William Shakespeare, author John McDonald
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Multi Computer Site Licence: includes a 'no text' version of the play. This is the same as the original text, but with the letters removed, allowing students to fill in the dialogue themselves. This additional feature has been added in response to numerous teacher requests. Macbeth - The Interactive Graphic Novel breathes new life into Classical Comics' award-winning Shakespeare play. Unlike no motion comic before, this animated graphic novel boasts a choice of three text versions and a full audio soundtrack. Featuring professional voice actors, including the talents of the eminent Sir Derek Jacobi and the fabulous Juliet Stevenson in the title roles. Other actors are: Sean Barratt, Glen McCready, Allison Petitt, John Foley and Ian Masters. Sit back and watch Shakespeare's most dramatic tragedy unfold, or take control and switch between Original, Plain and Quick Text versions at the click of a button. See it, hear it and fully experience the tragedy that is so feared, no actor will ever say its name ... Macbeth.

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