Make games with Python
Create your own entertainment with Raspberry Pi

Learning to code your own shoot-'em-up is infinitely more satisfying than beating any end-of-level boss
While countless millions of us like nothing more than spending hours racking up high scores on our favourite games, too few of us are exposed to an even more gratifying way to spend the evening - making them. It's far from easy. Master essential game-making skills:
- Creating shapes and paths
- Movement and animation
- Using the keyboard and mouse
- Adding sound and music
- Simulating physics and forces
- Building classes for actors
- Creating your own shoot-em 'up
Each chapter will add to your knowledge of Python game development, allowing you both to understand the games you play, and to create almost anything your imagination can come up with.
This book is designed to help you learn many of the essential skills you'll need to make games with Python and Pygame, and you'll learn valuable coding skills along the way.This book isn't for absolute programming beginners, but it's not far from it. If you've written some simple Python (or similar) programs in the past, and are able to do things like creating files and get around your computer's filesystem without too much difficulty, then you're ready to get started.