Mandalas: Coloring for Everyone
Coloring for Everyone

Reduce stress and promote creativity by coloring beautiful mandalas.
"I sketched every morning in a notebook a small circular drawing, a mandala, which seemed to correspond to my inner situation at the time. . . . Only gradually did I discover what the mandala really is . . . the self, the wholeness of the personality, which if all goes well is harmonious." —Carl Jung
Recognized as a symbol of peace, creativity, and inspiration, mandalas are sacred circular shapes with a long and rich history. They were originally developed as Hindu and Buddhist symbols of the universe, and the process of their creation is known to reduce stress and help artists find tranquility and balance.

At Skyhorse Publishing, we recognize the need at times to simply Be. Our broad range of books offer readers an escape from the daily grind to the virtual worlds of the many stories our authors tell. But how about escaping even more deeply? That's where Adult Coloring Books come in, and here is where we are dedicating ourselves to bringing you a variety of coloring books with which you can relax and lose yourselves into a meditation of creative self-expression. We invite you to check out our assorted series of Adult Coloring Books, and know that you'll find exactly what you need to bliss out.