Medieval Irish Law

Text and Context

Sydney University Press
Edited by Anders Ahlqvist, Pamela O'Neill
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Preface by Anders Ahlqvist & Pamela O’Neill

The Types of Pledges in Early Irish Law: Form, Function and Context by Jaqueline Bemmer

Aspects of athgabál aile by Hanne-Mette Alsos Raae

Reflecting a Local Economy? Evidence from Coibnes Uisci Thairidne by Riona Doolan

The Distribution of Body-fine: AD 650–1150 by Neil McLeod

Narratives in Early Irish Law: a Typological Study by Fangzhe Qiu

Material Culture and Social Development in Early Irish Law Texts by Pamela O’Neill

Towards the Linguistic Dating of Early Irish Law Texts by David Stifter

Norse Loanwords and the Dating of Early Irish Texts by Timothy Causbrook

Old Irish airaiccecht ‘primer, etc.’ by Anders Ahlqvist
