Mindful and Intentional Money Management
An Unbeatable System to Calm the Chaos
Linda Simpson PhD, foreword by Tom Ziglar
- Encourages mindful and intentional money management.
- Explains how small tweaks and behavior changes can make a significant difference.
- Teaches how to plug those budget leaks that play havoc on your finances
- Helps reduce anxiety around facing money issues through development of a sustainable personal financial plan
- Challenges readers to improve their financial behavior so their life won’t be the same 10, 20, 30 years from now
- Teaches readers how to identify emotional triggers and reduce the amount of spending decisions that are based on emotions
- Helps people determine where they want to go, know where they are now, and bridge the gap between the two
- Introduces a new SMARTER goal system to help build a financial plan that is tailored around one’s personal goals, habits, values, and attitudes
- Explores the root behaviors of money management to empower sustained behavior change