Mourning is Women’s Business

These poems were written over a period of about 20 years. Some relate to living in an Aboriginal community in WA with the last speakers of the Ngardi language.
The India poems are the result of spending 3 months meeting poets in India on an Asialink grant.
The other poems relate to growing old, the great leveler.

Lee Cataldi, born 1942, lives near Adelaide and has published three books of poetry. Invitation to a Marxist Lesbian Party, which won the Ann Elder memorial Prize, The Women who Live on the Ground, which won the Human Rights Award for Poetry, and Race against Time which won the NSW Premier's Award for Poetry. She has worked as a field linguist on the Australian Languages, Warlpiri and Ngardi. She looks forward to the return of poetry as a major art form, being the most suitable for writing on walls with charcoal.