Murujuga: Dynamics of the Dreaming

Excavations and Rock Art and Stone Structure Recording across the Dampier Archipelago between 2014-2018

UWA Publishing
The Centre for Rock Art Research and Management (CRAR+M)
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The Murujuga: Dynamics of the Dreaming Project (LP140100393) was an Australian Research Council (ARC) Linkage Project between Murujuga Aboriginal Corporation (MAC), Rio Tinto and the Centre for Rock Art Research and Management (CRAR+M) at the University of Western Australia (UWA). This project ran from 2014 – 2018 and aimed to provide research support for the protection and understanding of the world’s largest rock art galleries of Murujuga (the Burrup Peninsula) and the Dampier Archipelago. The project researched both deep time and contemporary values. The aim was to understand the scientific and cultural values of the National Heritage Listed Place and to support the World Heritage nomination.

Contributor Bio

The Centre for Rock Art Research + Management (CRAR+M) aspires to be a leader in rock art conservation and management by research-driven advocacy for its priceless heritage values. While we focus on Australian rock art we produce research outcomes of international significance. The CRAR+M was established in 2010 by the University of Western Australia.