My 180 Loving God More

Northwestern Publishing House
Angie Molkentin
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Join Angie Molkentin's 180-day journey to fill her soul with God's love and a desire to love him in return. "My 180: Loving God More" details Angie's commitment to an active prayer life, regular study of the Bible, and constant watchfulness for spiritual role models. Along the way, she encourages the reader to take on a similar quest. Angie prays that the Holy Spirit will open both her and the reader's heart to repentance, understanding, and--ultimately--a life of greater love for God. "My 180: Loving God More" reminds you of the awesome work of the Holy Spirit. Whether you simply need to be reminded of God's love, seek more than just "book knowledge" of God, or wish you felt more love for God in your heart, soul, and mind, this inspiring text shows you that he is constantly turning you toward him.

Contributor Bio

In 1993 Angie Molkentin graduated from Marquette University in Milwaukee, WI. She is a wife, mother, and communications consultant who has written for various publications and clients through the years--sometimes with her own byline, and more often behind-the-scenes, helping people and teams bring ideas to life. Angie and her husband, Jon, have three children. As a result of her 180 experience, Angie has renewed gratitude for her Lutheran education and upbrining.