My Cancer Year
A Survivorship Memoir

In MY CANCER YEAR, Curtis Pesmen, a veteran health journalist and book author, chronicles his successful fight with advanced colon cancer in a brutally honest and illuminating memoir. Through this moving account--which takes the reader through his initial shock of diagnosis, through treatment, experimental surgery and finally recovery--Pesmen's insights and experiences cast light on how to manage the challenges of cancer people don't like to talk about. This intimate memoir of a successful fight helps the fast-growing group of survivors--as well as family and friends--put cancer in its place while moving forward with the power of new knowledge.

Curtis Pesmen is author several books including How a Man Ages, What She Wants, and Your First Year of Marriage. He has written for Esquire, GQ, SELF, Outside and Glamour magazines, and was the founding editor of LIVESTRONG Quarterly. As health/features editor of SELF magazine, he helped develop the internationally recognized, pink-ribbon breast cancer awareness campaign. He is an active in cancer patient advocacy.