Mystical Vertigo
Contemporary Kabbalistic Hebrew Poetry Dancing Over the Divide

Mystical Vertigo immerses readers in the experience of the contemporary kabbalistic Hebrew poet, serving as a gateway into the poet’s quest for mystical union known as devekut. This journey oscillates across subtle degrees of devekut—causing an entranced experience for the Hebrew poet, who is reaching but not reaching, hovering but not hovering, touching but not touching in a state of mystical vertigo. What makes this journey so remarkable is how deeply nestled it is within the hybrid cultural networks of Israel, crossing over boundaries of haredi, secular, national-religious, and agnostic beliefs among others. This volume makes a unique contribution to understanding and experiencing the mystical renaissance in Israel, through its multi-disciplinary focus on Hebrew poetry and its philosophical hermeneutics.

Aubrey L. Glazer (PhD University of Toronto) is an independent scholar and a rabbi at the Jewish Community Center of Harrison, New York. His book Contemporary Hebrew Mystical Poetry: How it Redeems Jewish Thinking (2009) has been awarded the Adele Mellen Prize for its distinguished contribution to scholarship. His most recent book is A New Physiognomy of Jewish Thinking: Critical Theory After Adorno as Applied to Jewish Thought ( 2011).