Nasty Girls 2

Augustus Publishing
Erick S Gray
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Five years after Nasty Girls, lots of changes have occurred. In Nasty Girls 2, Camille is now living the good life in Hollywood with her husband Cream. She's molding a fashion career, but all is not good at home with Cream, who has made millions in the music industry. He's become a music mogul and sex symbol and Camille feels infidelity creeping into their home. She's fighting to save her marriage, and feels Cream isn't doing enough. Actress Molly Shaw is subtly enticing him and he's allowing it to happen. Camille begins to miss New York, her true home, and her old friends there. It's daunting to her that she left her best friend Shy at a time when she needed her most. She wants to mend things with Shy, and as the anniversary of Jade's death approaches, Camille misses her deeply and must go to her. In Nasty Girls 2, Erick S. Gray brings unforgettable drama in this mesmerizing follow up to his bestseller.

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