Natural Cleaning

DIY Solutions for the Kitchen, Bedroom, Bathroom, Office, and More

Skyhorse Publishing
Pam Farley
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Protect your health, reduce waste, and be a better steward of the Earth by making the switch to natural cleaning products with these 43 easy recipes!

A clean house should not come at the expense of your health. Common household cleaners are not kid-friendly or pet-friendly — or lung-friendly, or skin-friendly. Store-bought cleaners that contain bleach and ammonia, drain cleaners, toilet cleaners, and more are the cause of thousands of household emergencies each year. These harsh cleaners and artificial fragrances can irritate your eyes and lungs, and exacerbate allergies and asthma. Not to mention how all these chemicals and packaging materials are affecting the environment.

Bottom line, your home — and the planet — are simply safer without them.

Most people think natural cleaners either:

  1. don’t work
  2. are difficult / annoying to make
  3. involve a lot of exotic, expensive ingredients that are too hard to find
  4. all of the above!

The truth is, you can clean every room in your house—curtains, carpet, toilet, tile grout, whatever—without ever touching another bottle of Clorox. In this book, you’ll learn why these cleaners work, how to stock your home with a few basic ingredients you can grab as needed—and why you shouldn’t use some of the DIY cleaning recipes you see online.  

You’ll also learn:

  • How to safely and naturally clean every surface in your home, from stainless steel appliances to moldy showers
  • Which natural cleaning ingredients should never be mixed (and why)
  • How to customize your cleaners with essential oils
  • Why you should use distilled water instead of tap water
  • There’s even a recipe for cleaning dog toys!

Make the switch to non-toxic DIY cleaning solutions now!

Contributor Bio

Pam Farley lives her motto of 'make it, don’t buy it' every day as the founder of, a website dedicated to healthy living, natural eating, and attempted gardening. A former corporate writer, she ditched the cubicle in 2015. Now she spends her time working from home with her family, cooking from scratch, growing vegetables in her front yard, teaching about essential oils, and avoiding housework. She is also the author of Complete Essential Oil Diffuser Recipes. She lives in Sacramento, California.

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